Elias Wirth for the Inspirational Corner

We have a special interview for the last week of October - an exciting month for all those lovers of spooky activities and Halloween. Also, welcome to the fifth post for the Inspirational Corner. I am very happy to see how many lovely people have taken some time to answer our questions and share their... Continue Reading →

Books Wish List

Summer is over... that is not necessary a bad thing. I really enjoy Autumn; it is one of best seasons to start reading excessively. Summer is always a little to hot and I always want to just go outside and walk randomly or visit as many places as possible. But when Autumn is approaching I... Continue Reading →

First week of History Facts

The first week of daily history facts is over and I have to say that I enjoyed it a lot. For those of you that do not know, every day in December I am writing a fact about the history of mathematics, these go live on my Facebook page and Tumblr. Also, once a week... Continue Reading →

Mathematicians of April and May

As promised in the post The Power of Organization, here is the post with the mathematicians I wrote this month and also last month. Hope you will find it useful and interesting. Lets get going: Leonard Euler, born on 15th April 1707. Euler introduced and popularized several notational conventions through his numerous and widely circulated... Continue Reading →

April’s Favorite

After one long day of revision for my exams I thought that write this post would relax me a lot. So, with no further explanation lets start the favorite list: 1. Favorite quote: for this quote there is no more explanation. It just shows the universality of mathematics. David Hilbert is a great mathematician and he... Continue Reading →

Leonard Euler

This week we celebrated Euler's birthday on 15th and I thought I need to write something about him. In my (almost) 4 years of university I have heard his name a lot of time. And this is a thing especially because at most of my courses the teachers don't say anything about the mathematicians that... Continue Reading →

Merry Christmas!

It is the time to enjoy the family, the peace, the presents and relax. It is the time to listen to your favorite music, eat your favorite food and spend some quality time with friends and family. I wish everyone "Merry Christmas!" and "Enjoy every second!". I have some special Christmas trees just for all... Continue Reading →

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