Monument Valley for Escher Fans

Since I first heard about Escher I have been a huge fan of his. His art fascinates me. His understanding of infinities, symmetry and other mathematical concepts has made me love and understand mathematics even more. The way he represents mathematical concepts in his art is incredible. In the past I have written and shared... Continue Reading →

Nora Fok’s Art

It has been a while since I last wrote about an artist and their creations inspired by mathematical concepts. Nora Fok is an artist who expresses her ideas in a personal and distinctive way. She is intrigued by the world around her; she also asks questions and tries to find answers to them. She is fascinated by... Continue Reading →

Leonardo da Vinci’s Geometric Sketches

Recently I have seen some beautiful 3D representations that were made by Leonardo da Vinci. I was quite curious first because I never heard of da Vinci's work in mathematics. Therefore, I was curious to find out more. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, more commonly Leonardo da Vinci, was an Italian Renaissance polymath, whose areas of... Continue Reading →

Great Fractal Art by Paul Griffitts

I have talked about fractals multiple times before. Also, you probably know how much I enjoy discovering new artist in this domain. This post will be all about Paul Griffitts' work. Fractals have been a source of inspiration for many artists since they were first described by Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975. The well-known property of self-similarity... Continue Reading →

Sand Art

Just recently I have discovered another great artist that makes interesting geometrical drawings on sand, earth and ice. Unfortunately, these drawings are eventually erased by waves and weather (winds, rain, etc). I am talking about Jim Denevan. His drawings range in scale from smaller beach compositions to large scale land works the size of a city.... Continue Reading →

Colorful Numbers

This month most be the art related month for me because I have found another great art related project which I wanted to talk about. This time I have the French architect Emmanuelle Moureaux with the installation Forest of Numbers. The artist transformed the space into a rainbow forest composed of more than 60,000 rainbow colored... Continue Reading →

Zadora and Escher

Haven't posted art and maths related things for a while, but I have discovered this great images from Math - Update and I had to search for more information about them. You know about my love for Escher's art and I was extremely excited when I found out about this artists who made interior design and monumental... Continue Reading →

Spectra – Festival of Light & Mathematics

The city I live in, Aberdeen, has organized a Festival of Light this weekend. They describe it as "an exciting family event bringing light to the depths of winter while celebrating Aberdeen's creative past, present and future". My description is a little different: an exciting family event showcasing great mathematical applications from art and light&sound... Continue Reading →

Different Circles

I have not posted about an artist in a long time and I thought I should search for something new. So, I found this Italian designer Giuseppe Randazzo of Novastructura, who released a series of generative digital “sculptures” that depicted carefully organized pebbles and rocks on a flat plane.  The series of sculptures is titled Stone... Continue Reading →

Codex Silenda : the Book of Puzzles

You know I have been trying to keep you up to date to great Kickstarter projects which are related to mathematics. I think we should support these projects and more people should know about them. This time I have a great puzzle book to present. Codex Silenda: the Book of Puzzles is a five page puzzle... Continue Reading →

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