Topic #1: Numbers

Before developing any complex mathematical theorems or theory in general, people had to understand and use numbers. You might think that this is an easy concept to understand, but philosophers have been arguing for a while about them. The big question is if the concept of numbers exists outside of our cultures and brain. Are... Continue Reading →

2020 – Interesting Facts

Starting the year with a short post about some interesting numbers facts about 2020. I have done a very similar post for 2018 and 2019. I thought I will start the year with the same vibe. Number 2020 is an even number and a composite one. It is the product of 3 primes: 2×2×5×101. Due... Continue Reading →

2019 – Interesting Number

Starting the year with a short post about some interesting numbers facts about 2019. I have done a very similar post for 2018 last year and I thought I will start the year with the same vibe. I also discovered that 2018 and 2019 have some things in common and that was really interesting to... Continue Reading →

2018 – Interesting Number

At the start of 2018, I thought about writing a short post about some interesting numbers facts about 2018. This number is not as fun as 2017 (prime number), but I still think it has some interesting facts. 2018 is an even number (it is a multiple of 2) and a composite one. It gives... Continue Reading →

2017 prime or not prime?

As always, at the beginning of the year a lot of people write about different properties of the number of the year (I did something similar last year in my 2016 Resolutions post). This year, I have already read a couple of great articles on the properties of 2017 and something was stuck in my... Continue Reading →

Vampire Numbers

This year I am planning a quite interesting Halloween day. I have already started searching for inspiration for my classroom and I am extremely excited for everything. I will write a blog post about this very soon, stay tuned. All this excitement of mine has transformed into another campaign on Teespring called Vampire Numbers. If... Continue Reading →

Zero Breaks the Rules

I wanted to announce my first Campaign on Teespring: Zero. The idea of the campaign is to celebrate the importance of Zero in mathematics. Nowadays it is hard to imagine that Zero was not always considered a number and all the problems this thing might involve. The official description of the campaign is: Show that... Continue Reading →

More Pi

First day of the event Pi Love was a great success. Thank you everyone had shared images, articles and videos, I am extremely excited to see so much excitement and collaboration from your side. It is great! Keep your enthusiasm up ^_^ Today, I thought I would share some funny and random things that people... Continue Reading →

Number Tricks

Most of the time I get extremely excited when I see number tricks or facts I didn't know before. A while ago, my reaction was: "why didn't my maths teacher learn me that?!!", but more recently I am saying: "Why didn't I know about it?!". Sometimes, I realize that even the maths teacher doesn't know... Continue Reading →

Number Zero

In the past weeks I paid more attention to the more subtle parts of mathematics while reading. And One of the things that struck me is the number ZERO. There are books where the author mentions that 0 is part of the natural numbers and other books where natural numbers and 0 form the whole... Continue Reading →

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