The Calculus Experience: A tale of Intuition and Rigor | Book Review

A couple of months ago I was contacted by the author to do a read and review this book and I was very intrigued and excited. I finished “The Calculus Experience: A Tale of Intuition and Rigor (vol 1 Precalculus) by Vaibhav Varun* in one month and it reminded me how much I enjoy reading mathematics... Continue Reading →

Topic #2: Adding Machines

A lot of things have change about studying mathematics and other domains that involve number calculations when people have started developing adding machines. From understanding adding machines and developing new mechanism, people have constructing the computers we all use nowadays. I have chosen 4 adding machines that made an impact in the development of this... Continue Reading →

Topic #1: Numbers

Before developing any complex mathematical theorems or theory in general, people had to understand and use numbers. You might think that this is an easy concept to understand, but philosophers have been arguing for a while about them. The big question is if the concept of numbers exists outside of our cultures and brain. Are... Continue Reading →

Hello World | Book Review

Last year, I finished "Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms" by Hannah Fry*. This was the book chosen in the LThMath Book Club (on Goodreads and Facebook) for the June and July 2019 reading challenge. Overview This book review is split into different parts for your convenience. General description Chapters Quotes The author Goodreads review YouTube video 1. General... Continue Reading →

A History of Mathematics | August

We have decided to share more interesting facts from the history of mathematics. We are starting with some interesting events that happened in August. Hope you will like these posts! 10 August 1548 Everything started with Tartaglia giving Cardan the method to solve the cubic. Cardan didn’t want to break his promise for a very... Continue Reading →

Mathematics A – Z: Axioms

I have wanted to start writing a series on mathematical concepts in an alphabetical order. Finally, I will start Mathematics A - Z. On our Facebook page, I asked what concepts or ideas you want to see that start with A. A couple of people were asking for Axioms... so here it is: Axioms for... Continue Reading →

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