Alan Turing – a short chronology

We are very happy to announce that we are relaunching our course "Introduction to Cryptology". Cryptology is the key that lets us communicate from one end of the world to another, it allows us to exchange anything from messages to photos and even money in a relative safe and secure manner; and all of these has... Continue Reading →

4 Calculators that made History

After writing Calculators that Made History I realized that a poster or infographic on this subject would be very interesting. Have a great day. Enjoy the summer! If you have ideas for future blog posts, let us know. Don’t forget to check our last post: New Book Discoveries. Also, check my Summer Reading List – I am on schedule with... Continue Reading →

Great Women in Mathematics

This week I finally did some infographic designs inspired by all the women in mathematics I have talked about so far this month. I have to say that this topic has been one of the most interesting topics so far. I am very happy I decided to spend a full month reading more about these... Continue Reading →

PAUL ERDŐS – a short chronology

Since I read "The Man who Loved only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdos and the Search for Mathematical Truth" by Paul Hoffman, I have wanted to create an infographic - short chronology - on Paul Erdős. I have spent a lot of time thinking what it should include and things like that, so here is the... Continue Reading →

Quotes by Paul Erdős

After reading "The Man who Loved only Numbers" by Paul Hoffman, I wanted to create an infographic on some great quotes by Paul Erdős. He has been as inspiration for many mathematicians through the years.  While reading the book, I found a lot of great quotes by different people and I thought it would be great if I... Continue Reading →

Negative Numbers in Real Life

In the past weeks I have worked with negative numbers with most of my classes. To my surprise, I have realized that most of them had absolutely no idea where we use negative numbers. Therefor, I have decided to create this inforgraphic. Let me know what you think: Hope you enjoy these infographics because I... Continue Reading →

Symmetry & Butterflies

Hope you enjoyed the more detailed post on this subject. Let me know if you would like to see more posts on similar topics. Here is a short infographic on this topic. Enjoy! Hope you enjoy these infographics because I have lots of fun making them. Let me know in the comment bellow what other things... Continue Reading →

Blaise Pascal

Today, 19th June, we are celebrating Blaise Pascal's birthday. In the past week, I have written a post related to his work: Pascal's Triangle. I also recommend you read about Pascal's Wager (his mathematical argument to justify belief in God and a virtuous life). Here is a short infographic on his mathematical contributions. Enjoy! Source: Wikipedia.  Hope... Continue Reading →

A Brief History of Protractors

Source: The National Museum of American History Hope you enjoy these infographics, let me know in the comment bellow what other things you would like to see. Have a great day. You can find me on Facebook,  Tumblr,  Google+,  Twitter   and  Instagram. I will try to post there as often as possible. Lots of love and don’t... Continue Reading →

Famous Quotes by Albert Einstein

These are some of  my favorite quotes by A. Einstein (read more on Quotes by Einstein). Have a great day. You can find me on Facebook,  Tumblr,  Google+,  Twitter   and  Instagram. I will try to post there as often as possible. Lots of love and don’t forget that maths is everywhere! Enjoy!

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