1 – 5 July Through a Mathematician’s Eyes | #1 Weekly Update

We have decided to start a new series of blog posts. This series is going to focus on weekly announcements, historical facts, mathematicians, interesting articles and great book recommendations. Without any more explanations let's get into the announcements: Announcements We are working on this new series So excited for this idea First lesson will be... Continue Reading →

Leonardo da Vinci’s Geometric Sketches

Recently I have seen some beautiful 3D representations that were made by Leonardo da Vinci. I was quite curious first because I never heard of da Vinci's work in mathematics. Therefore, I was curious to find out more. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, more commonly Leonardo da Vinci, was an Italian Renaissance polymath, whose areas of... Continue Reading →

4 Android Apps for learning Mathematics

With all these advancements in technology in the past years, learning or teaching mathematics can be even more accessible to the general public. There are a lot of Apps that help with different aspects of mathematics, from easy practice with basic operations to more complex branches like probability. In this post, I will share my... Continue Reading →

Sand Art

Just recently I have discovered another great artist that makes interesting geometrical drawings on sand, earth and ice. Unfortunately, these drawings are eventually erased by waves and weather (winds, rain, etc). I am talking about Jim Denevan. His drawings range in scale from smaller beach compositions to large scale land works the size of a city.... Continue Reading →

TRIDO – Magnetic Toys

You know I have been trying to post about different Kickstarter campaigns in the past that are related to mathematics. So, today I wanted to post about a new project - the campaign just started - which I have followed for a while on Instagram.  The project I am talking about is called TRIDO -... Continue Reading →

Spectra – Festival of Light & Mathematics

The city I live in, Aberdeen, has organized a Festival of Light this weekend. They describe it as "an exciting family event bringing light to the depths of winter while celebrating Aberdeen's creative past, present and future". My description is a little different: an exciting family event showcasing great mathematical applications from art and light&sound... Continue Reading →

History of Protractors

For a while I wanted to write more about the history behind some instruments we always use during the maths class. First on the list is the protractor.  I have put this first on the list because it is one of the basic instruments used in a geometry class. As far as I know, there is... Continue Reading →

Great Math in “Doctor Strange”

I finally had the time to go and watch the movie Doctor Strange and I was mesmerized by the special effects they used and how they used some great mathematical techniques there. When I say this, it doesn't refer to just some random geometrical patterns, but at great interesting fractals (Mandlebrot sets) and some of Escher's art... Continue Reading →

Taxi-Cab Geometry

I have read about this topic a while ago and when I saw a workshop on this at the One-Day Conference for the Teacher of Secondary Mathematics I wanted to participate. Taxi-Cab Geometry looks at things in a completely different way than what we are used to. If you are used with different metric spaces,... Continue Reading →

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