Emmy Noether for November

Under the twitter banner of #Noethember, initiated by Constanza Rojas-Molina, an international drawing challenge themed around mathematician Emmy Noether was organised in November, 2018. The project resulted in a huge number of drawings and a warm feeling among those who participated. For 30 days, people across Twitter shared their sketches illustrating facts about Noether’s life... Continue Reading →

2019 Favourite Books

Very late with this type of post, but I really wanted to speak about these books a little more. These are all the mathematics related books that made it to my favourites list for 2019. I have a nice mix of non-fiction books and a little fiction mention as well. Let me know if you... Continue Reading →

What are we teaching for?

These couple of weeks have been quite controversial for me. I don't want to get into this "hard life" and "hard job" thing; I am grateful for the things I have. Also, I have worked my ass of for this, so I will not give up. Anyway, in August I have started teaching in a... Continue Reading →

Jewelry for a Mathematician | AD

Recently I have been surfing the internet for some great, unique accessories I could wear which could show my love for mathematics. You know I like these kind of small details and I realized I do not have something like this in my life. After a little research I discovered SCIENCE INSPIRED JEWELRY BY SOMERSAULT18:24.  ... Continue Reading →

First Week of School

School started on 15th August in Scotland and on that day I have also started my first year of Secondary Teacher. I think you can imagine how nervous I was on that day and how scared I was about everything. Now that the second week is starting tomorrow, I cannot say that I am better,... Continue Reading →

Codex Silenda : the Book of Puzzles

You know I have been trying to keep you up to date to great Kickstarter projects which are related to mathematics. I think we should support these projects and more people should know about them. This time I have a great puzzle book to present. Codex Silenda: the Book of Puzzles is a five page puzzle... Continue Reading →

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